Consero Brand Protection & Anti-Counterfeiting Executive Virtual Roundtable
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- Of Counsel
Fish’s Cynthia Walden will serve as roundtable chair and provide opening remarks at the ConseroBrand Protection & Anti-Counterfeiting Executive Virtual Roundtable. Cynthia will moderate the panels “The Right Product in the Wrong Hands: Tackling the Gray Market” and “Cross-Brand Collaboration: Driving Change Through Combined Efforts” on February 3.
Fish is proud to support this invitation-only event, where attendees will hear about hot topics and best practices on brand protection and anti-counterfeiting strategy. Panel details are below.
Thursday, February 3, 2022 | 1:00-2:50PM ET
Opening Remarks:
- Cynthia Walden, Fish & Richardson
The Right Product in the Wrong Hands: Tackling the Gray Market
- Moderator: Cynthia Walden, Fish & Richardson
- Wael Adhami, Johnson & Johnson
- Caroline Kinsey, Ontel Products Corporation
- Jennifer Powell, Church & Dwight
- Russel Jacobs, National Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Association
- Cynthia Merchant, Novartis
Cross-Brand Collaboration: Driving Change Through Combined Efforts
- Moderator: Cynthia Walden, Fish & Richardson
Fish’s Jenifer deWolf Paine will moderatethe panel “Prioritizing Brand Protection: Value Beyond Cost Savings” at theConsero Brand Protection & Anti-Counterfeiting Executive Virtual Roundtable on February 3.
Fish is proud to support this invitation-only event, where attendees will hear about hot topics and best practices on brand protection and anti-counterfeiting strategy. Panel details are below.
Thursday, February 3, 2022 | 1:50-2:50PM ET
Prioritizing Brand Protection: Value Beyond Cost Savings
- Moderator: Jenifer deWolf Paine, Fish & Richardson