Protecting Little Guys' Big Ideas: The California Inventors Assistance Program
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Please join Fish & Richardson and California Lawyers for the Arts for a complimentary reception and interactive discussion with one hour of CLE on the California Inventors Assistance Program ("CIAP").
CIAP, established in 2013, assists financially under-resourced independent inventors and small businesses in securing intellectual property protection by partnering with law firm lawyers, in-house counsel, and pro-se attorneys with expertise in patent law.
Come learn about the USPTO's national effort and the implementation of regional pro bono programs in reaching this client population, how your firm or in-house legal department can get involved, and best practices for patent pro bono program management at your firm or legal department.
"The Patent Pro Bono Program showcases American ingenuity at its best - leveraging an immense reserve of legal talent in an arbitrage that brings needed skills to those who can't otherwise access them, to serve inventors, innovation and economic growth."
– David J. Kappos, former director, USPTO
Jeffrew Siew, USPTO
Erik Metzger, Intel
Bob Pimm, California Lawyers for the Arts
Chris Marchese, Fish & Richardson
February 26, 2015
Registration and Networking Happy Hour: 5:30 p.m.
Panel Presentation followed by Q&A:6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Fish & Richardson
12390 El Camino Real
San Diego, CA 92130

CLA is a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider. This program qualifies for one hour of general MCLE credit and zero hours of Legal Ethics, Elimination of Bias in the Legal Profession and Prevention, Detection or Treatment of Substance Abuse credit in California. This event may or may not meet the requirements for continuing legal education credits in other states. Please check with the bar in the state in which you are seeking credits to determine whether this event is eligible and, if so, what steps to take to receive credit.