
The Bad Rap on Pharma: In Defense of Patents


Fish Principal Terry Mahn authored "The Bad Rap on Pharma: In Defense of Patents" in Pharmaceutical Executive magazine. In it, Terry discusses some of the consequences of current US drug competition policies.


“Many established drugs face the same risk/reward conundrum: although the risk of unlocking new treatments may be low, the reward will mainly benefit the competition if the drug is about to be genericized. Counterintuitively, corporate resources that could be directed to low risk investments in old drug development will instead be diverted to high-risk investments in new drug discovery, regardless of the potential reward to the public health.
Fortunately, the problem of incentivizing new investments in old drugs is addressable with a simple regulatory "reset." The only question is whether the FDA has the political will to overcome the regulatory inertia.”

Please see Pharmaceutical Executive for the full article.