Newest ITC Commissioner sworn in
On October 18, 2013, F. Scott Kieff was sworn in as the newest Commissioner of the U.S. International Trade Commission. He comes to the ITC from a long career in the field of intellectual property law, both as a trial attorney and an academic. Most recently, Commissioner Kieff was a Professor at the George Washington University School of Law where he had been teaching since 2009. Prior to his position at GWU, he was on the faculty of Washington University in Saint Louis. Commissioner Kieff has also been either on the faculty or a visiting professor at the Intellectual Property Law Center of Germany's Max Planck Institute, Northwestern University, Chicago University, and Stanford University. The ITC's press release announcing his swearing-in contains a more detailed biography and can be accessed here. Commissioner's Kieff work over the years has focused on the interaction of law, economics, and innovation. For example, his scholarly work includes articles on the roles of the FTC and standards setting organizations in the IP marketplace, and the effect of the Supreme Court's decision in Quanta v. LG Electronics on structuring licensing agreements. Also, he filed an amicus brief on behalf of a group of nine professors of law and economics before the Supreme Court in eBay v. MercExchange .
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