
A Deeper Dive Into the EU Unified Patent Court


How does the EU's new Unified Patent Court and Unitary Patent system compare with the existing patent protection system in Europe, especially in Germany, where the greatest number of patents are enforced? On February 28, European patent attorneys Herbert Kunz and Jakub Kopczak will continue Fish's discussion of the Unitary Patent and UPC, joined by moderator John Pegram. Topics will include:

  • What litigation in the UPC will be like
  • How the UPC will compare to German courts
  • How UPC nullity proceedings will compare to oppositions in the European Patent Office
  • More factors to consider when deciding whether to use the Unitary Patent and UPC

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

Unitary Patent Court and Unitary Patent Update:

As a result of Germany's ratification of the UPC Agreement on 17 February, both the Unified Patent Court and the Unitary Patent will start on 1 June 2023. The Unitary Patent Sunrise Period has already opened and the UPC Sunrise Period will begin on 1 March.