
Coordinating Trademark Strategies in the U.S. and EU

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Global brands need global trademark protection. But every jurisdiction has different trademark rules, regulations, and prosecution schemes that can significantly complicate a company’s global trademark strategy. Careful coordination between jurisdictions — particularly the United States and the European Union — is key for maintaining strong international trademark protection.

In this webinar, US trademark attorney Kristen McCallion and EU trademark attorney Jan Zecher discuss important points of divergence between US and EU trademark law, as well as tips and tricks for handling them.

Our hosts covered:

  • Use and registration in the US and the EU: general principles
  • Benefits of registration: US and EU perspectives
  • Specimens of use in the US, non-use, and abandonment
  • Prior use in the EU as it relates to disputes
  • Conducting “shopping tours” for older rights in the EU
  • The concept of "evergreening” in the EU