
Ex Parte Reexamination 101


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Ex parte reexamination (EPRx) is a versatile tool for both patent challengers and patent owners. Third parties can use it both as a preemptive weapon against high-risk patent claims and a strategic defense in patent infringement litigation, while patent owners often use it to strengthen their claims against potential validity challenges in future enforcement actions. With requests for EPRx generally on the rise, stakeholders should familiarize themselves with how EPRx works.

On May 29, please join Principals Nick Jepsen and Karan Jhurani for a discussion of the basics of EPRx, including:

  • Benefits and risks of EPRx
  • Situations best suited for EPRx
  • Grant rates and typical outcomes
  • Timing and relationship with concurrent proceedings
  • Strategies for patent owners facing EPRx

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].