
Life Sciences 2020 Year in Review

This webinar has ended.

2020 has been referred to as an unprecedented year for the world in so many ways, but that didn't stop the Federal Circuit from setting some highly impactful patent law precedent for the life sciences.

In this webinar, Fish attorneys Chad Shear and Teresa Lavoie discuss some of the most important of these developments.

Where to begin?

  • How about venue and we mean that quite literally. We discuss the impact of Valeant v. Mylan on Hatch-Waxman litigation venue.
  • Skinny labeling and inducement. As patent attorneys, we all know that timing and precise language matter not only in patent claims, but also on drug labels. We discuss the Federal Circuit's analysis of the facts and holding in GSK v. Teva.
  • Many of us experienced our own version of Groundhog Day with respect to our day-to-day lives during the pandemic each day wasn't literally the same as the day before, but, wow, did they feel like they were. We explore some patent law Groundhog Day analogies the doctrine of equivalents in Lilly v. Apotex and 101 patent eligibility in Illumina v. Ariosa.