
Post-Grant for Practitioners | 2022 Year in Review


The Patent Trial and Appeal Board in 2022 continues to have a significant impact on IP litigation and strategy. Petitioners remain busier than ever, with a total of 1,367 filings in FY 2022. This year saw the impact of newly confirmed USPTO Director Kathi Vidal, who took an active role in issuing guidance refining the Board's approach to several key issues affecting practitioners. The courts were also busy, with decisions touching on standing, serial petitions, abuse of process, and much more.

Join Fish attorneys Karl Renner, Chad Shear, and Casey Kraning as they take a closer look at these significant developments and examine their impact on practitioners. Our speakers will discuss:

  • Director Vidal's guidance and requests for comments
  • Precedential decisions update, including:
    • OpenSky Industries, LLC v. VLSI Technology LLC
    • Code200, UAB v. Bright Data, Ltd.
  • Case Law Developments at the PTAB and Federal Circuit
  • New and ongoing PTAB initiatives
  • Legislative developments
  • What to watch for in 2023

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].