
IPR Institution: Petition Pitfalls and Prevailing POPRs: An Empirical Investigation

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Institution decisions, which are not subject to appellate review, have emerged as one of the most contentious issues in post-grant practice. A review of decisions denying institution, both on the merits and based on discretion, offer practitioners a glimpse into the inner workings of the PTAB and an opportunity to learn from past mistakes.

On Wednesday, March 9, please join Fish attorneys Steven Katz and Ryan O’Connor for “IPR Institution: Petition Pitfalls and Prevailing POPRs: An Empirical Investigation.” This presentation will examine proceedings where IPR petitions were not instituted and provide guidance on how petitioners can avoid non-institution and patent owners can maximize their chances of success when drafting their preliminary responses. They will cover:

  • Statistics on IPR institution decisions
  • Common pitfalls that petitioners should avoid and that patent owners may exploit
  • Practice tips for practitioners