
Trademark & Copyright Webinar: Trademarks 101


What is a trademark? Most commonly, a trademark is any word, phrase, or symbol that identifies the source of a product and distinguishes the goods and services of one seller from those of another. But did you know that it can also include sound, smell, and product shapes?

There’s more to trademarks than merely identifying the source of a particular product. Trademarks protect consumers by preventing confusion, reducing fraud, and indicating quality. They can also deliver tremendous value by giving their owners control over their brand image.

In this Fish Trademark & Copyright webinar, Principal Keith Barritt and Associate Nancy Ly present “Trademarks 101,” covering topics such as:

  • What trademarks are and why they matter
  • What makes a good trademark
  • How trademark rights are acquired
  • How trademark rights are enforced
  • How to use trademarks owned by others

Whether you are a trademark novice or in need of a brush-up on the basics, this webinar is for you.