Media Coverage
Mass. Looks To Tackle Abusive Patent Demands
Adam Kessel (Principal) was quoted in the Law360 article "Mass. Looks To Tackle Abusive Patent Demands," published on September 25, 2017.
“Massachusetts is a little late to the issue,” said Adam Kessel, a principal at Fish & Richardson PC’s office in Boston.
“There’s clearly a widely felt need for this sort of thing, and since there’s no overarching federal law on point, the states are stepping up,” he added.
“The Massachusetts proposed laws, and I think to a great extent the laws in the other states, are not there to change the balance with large, sophisticated companies fighting complex patent disputes,” Kessel said. “They’re really targeting these very small-value demands against entities with little to no ability to defend themselves.”
“This all seems to me salutary,” Kessel said. “If you’re going to accuse someone of breaking the law and start piling up significant attorneys’ fees with that, they ought to have a basic idea of what they’re accused of and who is accusing them."