Media Coverage

Once A Mystery, PTAB Remands Start To Take Shape


Karl Renner (Principal) was recently quoted in Law360 article, "Once A Mystery, PTAB Remands Start To Take Shape" on February 9, 2017.

No Rulebook

W. Karl Renner, co-chair of the post-grant practice group at Fish & Richardson PC, said the absence of rules governing remands was recognized relatively early on, but it was thought that some degree of flexibility could be beneficial.

"The flexibility [has] afforded the presiding panel in the PTAB the ability to assess cases one by one and react to them and their special circumstances," he said.


Fish & Richardson's Renner is among those who have taken it a step further, thinking about these issues even when at the PTAB the first time around.

"As you're framing your case for consideration, I think it's very important to acknowledge, what does the possibility look like for an adverse outcome? And if that were to come to fruition, what does the case look like in terms of the possibilities for appeal?" he said.