Media Coverage
Q&A With Fish & Richardson's Kurt Glitzenstein
IRobot and Its Patents - What Makes Them Strong?
Boston Business Journal
Federal Circuit and USPTO Seek to Clarify Business Method Patents
Managing Intellectual Property
Kappos A Tough Act To Follow As USPTO Director
Law Firms Address New Fee Structures In-House
Boston Business Journal
Patent Term Adjustment: The New USPTO Rules
Fish & Richardson
FDA Tightening Its Approval Process
The Daily Transcripts
Eastern District of Texas deals blow to generic pharmaceutical companies
New York Law Journal
Terry Mahn quoted about Bluechiip Limited's recent regulatory waiver from US Federal Communications Commission
Bluechiip Limited
Winning: A National Law Journal interview with Fish & Richardson's Juanita Brooks
The National Law Journal
ITC Survey 2010: The Slugfest Continues
Corporate Counsel