Media Coverage | May 06, 2011

Lawyers Using Technology to Their Benefit

San Diego Daily Transcript

Roger A. Denning
Media Coverage | May 01, 2011

ITC Granting Fast Injunctions in Infringement Cases

Inside Counsel

Michael J. McKeon
Media Coverage | April 27, 2011

Mayo Wins Trade Secrets Verdict Against Ex-Employee


John C. Adkisson Jonathan E. Singer Michael E. Florey
Media Coverage | March 16, 2011

Federal Circuit Rules That Diagnostic Methods Are Patentable

Inside Counsel

Jonathan E. Singer
Media Coverage | August 11, 2010

Oxygen Chamber Makers War Over Market

Los Angeles Daily Journal

Keith A. Barritt
Media Coverage | August 11, 2010

Fish's Keith Barritt quoted in BNA's Medical Devices Law & Industry Report on 510 (k) Clearances

BNA’s Medical Devices Law & Industry Report

Keith A. Barritt
Media Coverage | July 21, 2010

Now that the oil has stopped, enter — the lawyers

Boston Business Journal

Lawrence K. Kolodney
Media Coverage | May 20, 2010

Panelists advise that Rader is "new sheriff in town" when it comes to patent damages

The National Law Journal

Michael E. Florey
Media Coverage | March 23, 2010

Wireless Medical Devices: Navigating Government Regulation in the New Digital Age

BNA’s Medical Devices Law & Industry Report

Keith A. Barritt Terry G. Mahn
Media Coverage | January 20, 2010

Leading Law Firm Rainmakers – 2009

Diversity & the Bar

Juanita Brooks
Media Coverage | March 12, 2009

Flush With Cash, EU Office Reduces Trademark Fees


Jan Zecher, Ph.D.