Media Coverage

Patent Pending

Medical Process Outsourcing

Principal Michael Hamlin was quoted in Medical Process Outsourcing article “Patent Pending” regarding changes to the U.S. patent system under the AIA.

"We've been telling clients for years that they need to move quickly to get applications on file before their competitors because even though we are currently under the first-to-invent system, there are many reasons why it's very important to get an earlier filing date,"explained Hamlin, a principal in the Boston office of global law firm Fish & Richardson P.C. "It's been very difficult traditionally to prove you were the first to invent if one of your competitors had an earlier filing date. For that reason, you want to avoid a situation where you allow a competitor to file a patent application on an invention before you do. There's a presumption that the first to file is the first inventor, and the latter inventor has to prove otherwise. The Patent Office has set a pretty high bar to prove that."

Read the full article here.