Saying `Do It On A Computer' Not Enough For A Patent, Supreme Court Rules
"The mere recitation of a generic computer cannot transform a patent-ineligible abstract idea into a patent eligible invention," wrote Justice Clarence Thomas in Alice Corp. vs. CLS, in which he was joined by the rest of the court.
In this article, “Saying ‘Do It On A Computer’ Not Enough For A Patents, Supreme Court Rules,” Forbes interviewed John Dragseth, principal and co-chair of the appellate practice at Fish & Richardson. John said, "It moves toward invalidating software patents, but good luck guessing how much or how far. [..] Today they closed the circle in Mayo and Bilski and brought a grand unifying approach. Usually when you get a grand unifying theory, you get clarity. Not here."
Read the full article and the rest of the interview with John Dragseth for more insight about the Supreme Court’s ruling.