“Patent Eligibility of Nature-Based Products: Current View of the United States Patent & Trademark Office,” Industrial Biotechnology (April 2015)
“Intellectual Property of Plants and Plant Products: Is Fruit Juice Eligible for Patent Protection?” Industrial Biotechnology (October 2014)
“The USPTO’s Current View on Patent Eligibility,” Industrial Biotechnology (June 2014)
“Patent Eligibility of Biological Methods and Compositions,” Industrial Biotechnology (June 2013)
“Upcoming Changes in Patent Law May Significantly Impact the Biotech Industry,” Industrial Biotechnology (October 2012)
“Patent Eligibility of Method Claims: What Is the Impact of the Supreme Court’s Prometheus Decision?” Industrial Biotechnology (June 2012)
“Strategies for expediting examination of US patent applications,” Industrial Biotechnology(October 2011)
“Isolated, purified, covalent bonds, or magic microscopes? What defines patentable nucleic acid molecules?” Industrial Biotechnology (June 2011)
“The America Invents Act and Its Importance to Patent Prosecution in the Biotech Sector,” Industrial Biotechnology (April 2012)
“Current Views on Obviousness Under US Patent Law,” Industrial Biotechnology (October 2010)
“‘Best Mode’ Requirements Under US Patent Law: When Your Best Description is Just Not Good Enough,” Industrial Biotechnology (August 2010)
“After In re Kubin, can the manner in which an invention was made render the invention ‘inherently obvious?” Industrial Biotechnology (June 2009)
“Maximizing IP value in an economic downturn (& beyond) in the life science industry,” Industrial Biotechnology (March 2009)
“Do’s and Don’ts for Maximizing Your IP Value in Uncertain Times,” (December 2008)
“BENCH TO BENCH: USPTO’s security & energy reviews, Pitfalls and practice tips to help prevent loss of patent rights,” Industrial Biotechnology (June 2008)
“For better or for worse? How US legislative patent reform may affect the biotech sector,” Industrial Biotechnology (March 2008)
“Issues in Identifying Contributors to Inventions Under U.S. Law,” AUTM Technology Transfer Practice Manual, Volume 3, Part 2, Chapter 5 (January 2008)
“Beyond KSR v. Teleflex: How the courts and USPTO have decided biotechnology and chemistry cases,” Industrial Biotechnology (October 2007)
“What the US Supreme Court’s KSR v. Teleflex decision means for biotech,” Industrial Biotechnology (June 2007)
“Intellectual Property (IP) Do’s and Don’ts for Start-Up Companies,” (March 2007)
“Do’s and Don’ts for Keeping Lab Notebooks,” com (May 1999)
Speaking engagements
“Structuring Freedom to Operate Opinions: Reducing Risk of Patent Infringement,” Strafford CLE Webinar (February 12, 2025)
“Patents – Just the Basics,” The Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary and The Schepens Eye Research Institute (March 2016)
“Biotech & Pharmaceutical Patent Cases: 2015 Year in Review” (January 2016)
“Is My Project Patentable? (And What Does that Really Mean?),” Boston Children’s Hospital(June 2015)
“Nature-Based Products and Abstract Ideas under Recent PTO Guidance and Court Decisions – Is There New Hope under Section 101?” Illumina’s Patent Department (February 2015)
“Patent Cases at the Supreme Court and Federal Circuit: Significant Cases in 2013,” University of Massachusetts Commercial Ventures and Intellectual Property Case Managers’ Meeting(January 2014)
“Recent Changes in US Patent Law,” Mass Eye & Ear Infirmary and the Office of Intellectual Property & Commercial Ventures (July 2013)
“Changes in US and European Patent Law: What YOU need to Know,” University of Massachusetts Commercial Ventures and Intellectual Property Case Managers Meeting(February 2013)
The “America Invents Act”: What You Need to Know, University of Massachusetts Commercial Ventures and Intellectual Property Case Managers Meeting (October 2011)
The “America Invents Act”: What You Need to Know, Boston Breakfast Seminar Series(September 2011)
“Biotech and Pharmaceutical Patents at the Federal Circuit: 2010 Year in Review,” Seminar on biotech and pharmaceutical IP law topics (January 2011)
“2010 Patent Law Update,” Seminar for University of Massachusetts Technology Transfer Office(April 13, 2010)
“Innovations in Patent Law in Europe and the U.S.: What European Companies Need to Know to Protect Their Most Important Assets,” Munich, Germany (February 2009)
“Innovations in Patent Law in Europe and the U.S.: What European Companies Need to Know to Protect Their Most Important Assets,” Munich, Germany (January 2008)
“Beyond KSR: What is Obvious Today?” Massachusetts Association of Technology Transfer Offices seminar (January 2008)
“Current Trends in Investing in the Very Small,” 3rd Annual Nanotech and Microtech Investors Forum (December 2007)
“Do’s and Don’ts for Biotech Startups,” BIO 2007 (May 2007)
“Going Green: Ins and Outs of Growing a Green Start Up,” 2007 World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing (March 2007)
“Innovations in Patent Law in Europe and the U.S.: What European Companies Need to Know to Protect Their Most Important Assets,” Munich, Germany (January 2007)
“The Application of Tiny Technologies to Real Products – An Industry Perspective,” 2nd Annual Nanotech Investors Forum (December 2006)
“Innovations in Patent Law in Europe and the U.S.: What European Companies Need to Know to Protect Their Most Important Assets,” Munich, Germany (December 2005)
“What You Need To Know About Nanotechnology,” Advanced Legal Studies Course at Suffolk University Law School, Boston, Massachusetts (October 2004)